Finding Your Theme

A good yearbook tells the story of a year.

A great one tells it with style and flair.

That’s where theme comes in. Think of theme as the personality behind the yearbook. It’s what makes one book stand apart from another. The best themes help you define the year through any combination of words, phrases, colors, graphics, angles and voices. It’s good to find a theme that is specific enough to be recognized and understood, yet open enough to allow the book to evolve with the unfolding of the school year.

Finding your theme-
The pressure is on to find a theme-an all-encompassing thread, a concept for a book that won't even come out for months. 

Click on the image 
Theme Gallery-
Explore how staffs told the specific story of their year with style, and wove it consistently through the book.
Click on the image.
Cover Gallery
See how staffs creatively set the tone for their yearbook right on the cover, using special materials and effects. 

Click on the image.